The Input "MediumPurple2" detected as "CSS3 color name".
Color | ||
websafe | No | |
CSS3 Color name |
Hex | #9f79ee | |
RGB | rgb(159,121,238) | |
RGB in % | rgb(62%,47%,93%) | |
CMY in % | C=38 M=53 Y=7 |
CMYK in % | C=33 M=49 Y=0 K=7 |
HSL | hsl(259,77%,70%) | |
HSV | hsv(259,49%,93%) | |
Rec. 601 luma | 145.7 | |
Rec. 709 luma | 137.5262 | |
Rec. 2020 luma | 137.9207 | |
Grey scale (Rec. 601 luma) | #929292 | |
Grey scale (Rec. 709 luma) | #8a8a8a | |
Grey scale (Rec. 2020 luma) | #8a8a8a | |
Complementary color | #608611 | |
Decimal | 10451438 |
Color | ||
websafe | yes | |
Hex | #9966ff | |
Hex (short) | #96f | |
RGB | rgb(153,102,255) | |
RGB in % | rgb(60%,40%,100%) | |
CMY in % | C=40 M=60 Y=0 |
CMYK in % | C=40 M=60 Y=0 K=0 |
HSL | hsl(260,100%,70%) | |
HSV | hsv(260,60%,100%) | |
Rec. 601 luma | 134.691 | |
Rec. 709 luma | 123.8892 | |
Rec. 2020 luma | 124.4706 | |
Grey scale (Rec. 601 luma) | #878787 | |
Grey scale (Rec. 709 luma) | #7c7c7c | |
Grey scale (Rec. 2020 luma) | #7c7c7c | |
Complementary color | #669900 | |
Decimal | 10053375 |
The following inputs are converted automatically:
X11 Color names
example: DodgerBlue4
#rrggbb; rrggbb; #rgb; rgb
(HEX to RGB bzw. HEX2RGB)
example: #4169E1
rgb(r,g,b); r,g,b; rgb(r%,g%,b%); r%,g%,b%
(RGB to HEX bzw. RGB2HEX)
example: 106,90,205